Personal Finance Books by African-American Authors

In honor of Black History Month,  I’ve compiled a list of Personal Finance books by African American authors.  These books are timely and cover relevant topics including, but not limited to, budgeting, starting money conversations, investing in the stock market, as well as culture-specific perspectives on how to address wealth disparity.  

This list highlights over 20 resources for children, teens, and adults of all ages who are interested in mastering their money, achieving financial goals and closing the financial literacy gap for the next generation.  I am proud to present this list of African-American authors and I’m excited to watch this list grow!  [Click to Tweet]

Are you ready to learn how to best handle your finances?  Then enjoy this harvest of good reads where these authors share their knowledge, expertise, years of research and personal testimonies in a way that resonates with readers around the world. 

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“Free Pre-College Programs: A Guide to No-Cost and Low-Cost Summer Programs for Teens (College Secrets)” by Lynnette Khalfani-Cox

This guide reveals more than 50 summer enrichment programs, all of which are FREE or very affordable, including programs at Ivy League schools and other top colleges and universities.

This book is for you if: You don’t want to spend a small fortune on pricey pre-college programs, but want to give your pre-college teens every opportunity to succeed

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“Money Talks: The Ultimate Couple’s Guide to Communicating about Money” by Talaat and Tai McNeely
This book opens the lines of communication between spouses and reveals how to align themselves together financially.

This book is for you if: You are tired of always fighting about money in your marriage

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“Start Me Up!: The No-Business-Plan Business Plan” by Ebong Eka
There are four major pitfalls that business owners experience that inevitably lead to failure. Start Me Up! provides strategies to avoid those pitfalls and gives you the powerful ideas you need to build your thriving business.

This book is for you if: You are ready to start a small business using your existing skills

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“Retire Inspired: It’s Not an Age, It’s a Financial Number” by Chris Hogan

This is your retirement wake-up call.  “Retire Inspired” will transform the way you think about your future.  Learn how to make smart decisions now to help you live your retirement dreams.

This book is for you if: You don’t want to retire broke, stressed, and working long after you want to

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“The 21-Day Financial Fast” by Michelle Singletary
Fasting is good for the soul and body, but who knew it was also good for your financial health as well? This book gives you a tested financial challenge. For twenty-one days, readers eliminate excessive spending habits, stop using credit cards, and only buy the bare necessities.

This book is for you if: You struggle with impulsive purchases, tend to overspend, and are usually not financially prepared for life’s emergencies. 

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“It All Starts With a Budget” by Kemberley Washington

This book explores the basic budget principles using a biblical approach. The book provides the necessary building blocks to conquer your financial goals by applying the key to successful budgeting.

This book is for you if: You are struggling with budgeting, you want to conquer your financial goals using teachings from the bible 

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“4 Financial Languages: The Secrets to Communicating About Money” by Tarra Jackson – Madam Money

Financial fights are the leading cause of divorce. The reason most money misunderstandings occur with couples is that they are speaking in different financial languages. This book will teach you how to go from having budget battles to enjoying fun cash conversations about your financial dreams together.

This book is for you if: You struggle with money conversations within your relationship, are not on the same page with your partner when it comes to spending, budgeting, and money values. 

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“Live Richer Challenge: Learn how to budget, save, get out of debt, improve your credit and invest in 36 days” by Tiffany Aliche – The Budgetnista

Are you ready to live richer, but your finances are a mess? This book teaches how to make the shift from messy money to financial freedom in her book. Through simple daily financial tasks, readers learn about money mindsets, budgeting, saving, debt versus credit, insurance, and investing.

This book is for you if: You are just getting started on your journey to financial success, you feel lost in the mess that is your finances at the moment.

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“Money $mart Teens: 48 Interactive Lessons for Understanding, Making, Saving, and Spending Money” by Alfred D. Riddick Jr.

Money $mart Teens is designed to help students establish a strong foundation in financial literacy. Each of the lessons will challenge, educate, and equip youth with the necessary tools to enhance their financial fitness.

This book is for you if: You are looking for a workbook that makes learning about money fun and exciting through a variety of exercises

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“The Money Manual: A Practical Money Guide to Help You Succeed on Your Financial Journey” by Tonya Rapley 

Many people feel anxious and overwhelmed when thinking about money management. This book addresses these emotional challenges and gives the readers the skills and knowledge they need to improve their financial situation within six months.

This book is for you if: You are looking for the best way to tackle financial basics such as budgeting, saving, improving or building credit, and eliminating debt.

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“The Black Tax: The Cost of Being Black in America” by Shawn Rochester

This book shows how The Black Tax creates a massive financial burden on Black American households that dramatically reduces their ability to leave a substantial legacy for future generations. 

This book is for you if: You are ready to evaluate all forms of spending and investment in terms of the number of jobs created within the Black community.

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“Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice” by Dennis Kimbro 

Author and entrepreneur Dennis Kimbro combines bestselling author Napolean Hill’s law of success with his own vast knowledge of business, contemporary affairs, and the vibrant culture of Black America to teach you the secrets to success used by scores of black Americans.

This book is for you if: You are truly committed to the pursuit of fulfillment and happiness. 

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“Money Monsters: The Missing Money” by Okeoma Moronu Schreiner

A beautifully illustrated children’s book about Kai, a little boy and his first encounter with the ATM! Kai struggles to understand where his money has gone after depositing it and just before attempting to break his money out, his mother sits him down to explain this confusing event and helps put his mind at ease.

This book is for you if: You have children ready to deposit their earnings for the first time

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“Starting Point: How To Create Wealth That Lasts” by Kevin L Matthews II 

This book is the premier guide to building personal wealth and lays out a clear path for average Americans to build wealth in a simple, clear way. Heavily researched and humbly written from the perspective of a first-generation college graduate turned educator, this wealth guide also addresses common social issues and barriers that block most people from building wealth. 

This book is for you if: You are a college graduate, a new parent, or anyone ready to establish a strong financial future

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“It’$ My Money – A guided journal to help you manage your finances” by Patrina Dixon 

This is the first in a series of journals dedicated to financial literacy and money management. It’s designed to enrich teenagers with simple but smart financial information while providing inspiring quotes and guided questions. This book equips teens with the content and confidence needed to manage their finances!

This book is for you if: You are a teenager just getting started with managing your own finances

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What Are the Money Rules?” by Rayna A Brown (10 years old now) 

Rayna wrote this book at age 8 to help her 4-year-old brother learn the family money rules. It teaches the four rules the family follows about money. Now her story can help other little children learn how to be Financially Savvy Kids!

This book is for you if: You are a child between 4-10 years old 

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“#MoneyChat THE BOOK: How to Get Out of Debt, Successfully Manage Your Money and Create Financial Security” by Dorethia Kelly
#MoneyChat is a complete guide to managing your money. It outlines how to create a serious financial plan for yourself including saving an emergency fund when it seems there’s no money left over. There are two chapters on investing, a beginner’s version and then a deep dive along with chapters on college savings, gambling and payday loans.

This book is for you if: You are a personal finance novice & first-time investor

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“Affording Travel: Saving Strategies for Financially Savvy Travelers” by Danielle Desir
While money impacts nearly everything we do, it doesn’t have to hold you back from pursuing your travel dreams. This book is for those who desperately want to break free from the limiting beliefs that they can’t afford to travel. Learn the savings strategies to afford traveling the world and identify ways to make it part of your lifestyle.

This book is for you if: You desire to be a financially savvy traveler or a first-time saver

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“Amber’s Magical Savings Box” by Rachael Hanible

Amber’s Magical Savings Box book is an interactive children’s book teaching about earning and saving money. The book includes a savings journal, daily affirmations, and goal setting sheets. 

This book is for you if: You are between the age of 3 to 10 years old

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“Finance ‘n Stilettos – Money Matters for the Well-Heeled Woman” by Zaneilia Harris

Zaneilia Harris is looking to empower women and let them know there is truly a difference between having money in the bank and building wealth. Her intention is to make all the moving parts of finance easier to understand, translate industry jargon into plain language, and relate the un-sexiness of money management to the stylishness of something we all love: shoes. 

This book is for you if: You are a woman interested in adding wealth-building style to your personal finances

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“30 Day Money Challenge” by Zinnia Adams

This book contains tried and true methods to help improve budgeting skills, curb spending, bolster savings on your way to financial freedom. 

This book is for you if: You are a personal finance novice who wants to get their finances in order but unsure where to start  

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“Real Money Answers for Every Woman: How to Win the Money Game With or Without a Man” by Patrice Washington

This book teaches you how to take responsibility for your financial future, whether you’re just starting out or need a fresh start. In a handy Q & A format, it offers relatable and easy to understand advice on everything from managing credit cards, homeownership, and student loans to affordable childcare and even negotiating for a higher salary. 

This book is for you if: You are a single woman, stuck in bad spending habits you are ready  to break

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“HussleNomics: Money, Ownership & Business Lessons Inspired by Nipsey Hussle + a Step by Step Guide on How to Implement Each Principle” by Ash Cash

HussleNomics is a book dedicated to the legacy and teachings of Mr. Hussle with a step-by-step guide on how to implement each principle in your life.  Nipsey often preached about the Marathon, and as you know, in a marathon the baton is often passed to the next runner to pick up where the other left off … HussleNomics is that baton!

This book is for you if: You are interested in learning more about Nipsey Hussle’s message and how you can continue the financial legacy he lived

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“Investing in Rental Properties for Beginners: Buy Low, Rent High” by Lisa Phillips

This book is helping the average person get involved in rental properties on an average income and building the cash flow of their dreams with 2-5 properties. This will teach you (the ordinary investor) how to tailor your investment strategy to your pocketbooks (and no one else’s).

This book is for you if: You have a dream of being a wealthy real estate investor but absolutely don’t want to be a stressed-out landlord dealing with an array of bad tenants, repair calls in the middle of the night, and empty units

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“Teach Your Child To Fish: Five Money Habits Every Child Should Master” by Holly D. Reid

This book gives you the curriculum to teach your child to build wealth young and manage their money wisely for the rest of their lives.

This book is for you if: You have school-age students (age 4-18) and looking for a family-friendly, interactive resource to close the financial literacy gap as your child matures and grows.

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Don’t see a book you believe belongs on this list?  Share the book details here to be included in future updates of this list.

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