Announcing the Winner of our ‘Back-to-School Future Millionaire’ Photo Contest

We want to send a big THANK YOU to everyone who participated in our photo contest and helped make it a success!  And a special congratulations to Miss Malia, the winner of a share of Coca-Cola stock in our ‘Back-to-School Future Millionaire’ photo contest!. Her photo entry received the highest marks from our panel and has been crowned the winner! Our […]

How to Survive a Financial Interruption

Over 800,000 individuals are missing their regular paychecks as a result of the most recent government shutdown.  If you are impacted or know someone who is, please read or watch my video as I offer four steps every impacted employee can follow to survive a financial interruption. 40% of Americans can’t cover a $400 emergency expense […]

Five Tips To Declutter & Simplify Your Finances

Are you looking for ways to simplify and declutter your finances?  If so, you’ve landed in the right place! Tune in as I share five tips to help you save time & ultimately relieve yourself of financial stress and frustration.  Yes, I too have been sucked into the Marie Kondo craze of decluttering and ridding […]

How to Easily Save & Invest More for Your Future

Some of the greatest obstacles faced when investing for our future is lack of time to devote to investing and high dollar minimums just to get started with some brokerage accounts. Once you have an adequate savings cushion (at least 3 months of expenses) and are actively contributing the max to a tax-advantaged IRA account and your employer’s 401(k) […]

It’s America Saves Week! #ImSavingForSweepstakes

Share Your Savings Goal for a Chance to Win up to $750 in the #ImSavingForSweepstakes To celebrate America Saves Week, America Saves is launching the #ImSavingForSweepstakes. It’s easy to enter. Just tell America Saves your savings goal and make a plan to reach it for your chance to win $500 toward your goal, then boost […]

Money-Smart Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

In May, we celebrate Mother’s Day!!! If you are blessed to be a Mother or able to celebrate a Mother, check out these fiscally responsible gift ideas! When traditional gifts make mom smile, here’s a sample of cash back deals offered by, when you sign up and shop through their site: Why not save money on […]

3 Weeks and 394 Dollars

Two years ago, I challenged myself to participate in a 21- Day Financial Fast guided by an article written by Michelle Singletary. The idea aligned with my personal quest to be more responsible with money and the journey helped me identify some sloppy money habits. This year, I hosted a Financial Fast via social media […]

Tips To Fuel Your Savings

When it comes to saving, are you doing enough?  If you’re like most people, your savings account is initially funded in whole or part primarily by a federal or state tax refund or perhaps an annual bonus from your employer (if you’re lucky). So how do you fuel your savings the remaining months of the year? […]

Christmas In July: Save Big on Back-to-School and Holiday Shopping

In honor of saving money and doing it well, it’s time to celebrate Christmas in July!! We’ve reached the middle of the year, and believe or not, once summer is over,  Fall back-to-school shopping and the Winter holiday season will be among us. Avoid the dread of deciding how you’ll afford the fancy gadgets and wish lists items […]

Announcing the Winner of our ‘Back-to-School Future Millionaire’ Photo Contest

We want to send a big THANK YOU to everyone who participated in our photo contest and helped make it a success!  And a special congratulations to Miss Malia, the winner of a share of Coca-Cola stock in our ‘Back-to-School Future Millionaire’ photo contest!. Her photo entry received the highest marks from our panel and has been crowned the winner! Our […]

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